How to Access Services
Accessing Our Services
Below is a description of the process that you will go through to obtain services from us. This process generally takes from 2 to 4 weeks to complete. If you need assistance from us at any time during the process please contact Stacey Cannon, Program Director at 724-346-2123 extension 5529, or email her at scannon (at)
Our employment and admission policies, procedures and practices prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religious creed, disability, veteran status, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, or other basis prohibited by law.
Access Services?
1) To initiate services you must phone your local county MH/ID office.
2) After you have chosen dFs as a service provider your Supports Coordinator will contact our agency and make a written referral.
3) When we receive your referral, we will schedule an intake meeting.
4) At the intake meeting we will provide you with very detailed information about the services you have selected.
5) Your Supports Coordinator will then submit a request for funding to their fiscal office.
6) After the request for funding has been approved, the Supports Coordinator will notify dFs and we will schedule an Admission Meeting.
7) Your services will begin at a date and time determined during the Admission Meeting.

Arrange a Visit?
If you would like to visit our administrative office, CHAPS (the adult training center) or any of our group homes, please contact Stacey Cannon, Program Director at 724-346-2123 ext. 5529.